Concrete cutting costs are typically calculated per meter and vary depending on the depth of the cut. Prices might start at around R150 for a 100 mm deep cut per metre and can go up to R400 for a 300 mm deep cut per metre. The rates can also differ based on the type of concrete being cut, such as curbs compared to smooth gutters. Get a quote today!

The cost to cut concrete depends on several factors including the type of concrete, the equipment used, and whether you hire professionals or attempt to do it yourself. If you’re looking for a rough estimate of concrete cutting costs, this guide will help you understand:

  • When concrete cutting is typically required
  • The general costs associated with concrete cutting
  • DIY concrete-cutting expenses
  • Professional concrete cutting fees
  • How to get accurate quotes for concrete cutting

When is Concrete Cutting Needed?

Concrete cutting is essential in various construction and renovation scenarios. Here are some common instances when you might need this service:

  1. Remodelling Projects: If you’re renovating and need to modify existing concrete structures, precise cuts allow you to remove parts of a concrete slab or wall without damaging the remaining sections.
  2. Expansion Joints: To prevent cracking due to temperature fluctuations and other environmental factors, expansion joints are cut into new or existing concrete slabs. This helps control where the concrete cracks, ensuring structural integrity.
  3. Removal and Disposal: When decommissioning or replacing old concrete structures, cutting the concrete into smaller, manageable pieces makes it easier to remove and dispose of.
  4. Infrastructure Updates: Updating or installing utilities might require cutting through concrete to access underground pipes and cables.
  5. Resurfacing Projects: Before resurfacing an area, it’s often necessary to cut and remove the top layer of old concrete to ensure a smooth, even base for the new surface.

The General Costs Associated with Concrete Cutting

The cost of concrete cutting can vary widely based on several factors:

  1. Depth of Cut: The deeper the cut required, the more expensive the service. Prices typically range from R150 per met for a 100 mm deep cut to R400 per metre for a 300 mm deep cut.
  2. Type of Concrete: Different types of concrete, such as reinforced concrete, exposed aggregate, or simple flat slabs, have different cutting difficulties and costs.
  3. Equipment Used: The cost also depends on the type of equipment necessary for the job. Hand-held saws might be cheaper but slower, while heavy-duty cutting machines are faster but more costly.
  4. Labour Costs: Professional services include labour costs, which can vary depending on the complexity and duration of the job.
  5. Access and Location: Difficult-to-access areas can increase the cost due to additional labor and equipment needed to safely perform the cuts.
  6. Additional Services: Costs may also include site assessment, setup and cleanup, and any additional services like concrete disposal or finishing.

To get the most accurate estimate, it’s advisable to request detailed quotes from several concrete cutting professionals after they have assessed the specific requirements of your project.