How Much Does Ducted Air Conditioning Installation Cost?

Installing ducted air conditioning can significantly vary in cost, ranging from about R30,000 for a small system suitable for an apartment to R100,000 for a unit that can efficiently cool or heat a large house. Installation charges start at around R500 per hour. However, it’s more practical to request complete project quotes rather than comparing hourly rates.

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Choosing a Ducted AC System

Not all ducted air conditioning systems are the same. You need to decide whether you want a system just for cooling or a reverse cycle system that can both cool and warm your home. Reverse cycle units are slightly more expensive but are ideal for climates that experience both warm and cold weather.

The capacity of an air conditioner is critical. It’s measured in kilowatts, and the right size depends on your home. Small capacity units (around 3.5 kilowatts) are enough for a studio apartment, but a three-bedroom house will require much more. Systems can go up to 30 kilowatts, which is more than enough for most homes. Purchasing a unit with more capacity than needed is not cost-effective or energy-efficient.

You might consider investing a little more in a zoned system, which allows you to choose which rooms to heat or cool, instead of servicing the entire house uniformly. This approach can provide significant energy and cost savings.

Costs of Ducted Air Conditioning Installation

Typically, the company that sells you the air conditioner will also handle the aircon installation. It’s advisable to get itemized quotes that cover both the unit cost and installation fees. This allows you to compare different products and installation services and possibly negotiate a better overall price with your installer.

Aircon installation costs do not always rise proportionally with the size of the unit. For example, installing a smaller system might cost nearly as much as the system itself, whereas a larger system could cost only 50% more than the unit price. Many factors can influence this.

Considerations for Operating Costs

Remember to factor in the running costs of ducted air conditioning. Opting for a slightly smaller system to save money might backfire if the unit has to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature, leading to higher energy bills.

You can also reduce operational costs by setting your thermostat a few degrees higher in summer and lower in winter than might feel immediately comfortable. Adjusting your thermostat by just one degree Celsius can save between 10–15% on your energy bill.

Don’t hesitate, contact the Aircon Pros today, or click here to get a quote for air conditioning repair or installation in Cape Town.

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