Handyman Quote

Handyman Vanderbijlpark to Vereeniging

#1 Handyman Service, Fast and Affordable

  • Get all your odd jobs sorted out
  • Quick fixes, repairs and renovations
  • Affordable hourly rate
Handyman Quote
  • No project to big or to small
    Small projects get done same day, bigger projects we can quote and bring on other specialists to assist.
  • Fast Response in Vanderbijlpark to Vereeniging
    Leaking pipe? Damaged Roof Tiles? For same day response give us a call.
  • Full Range of Services
    A good handyman in Vanderbijlpark to Vereeniging can fix almost anything. We come prepared with tools and common parts.

Service Areas in Vanderbijlpark to Vereeniging

Fill in the form or give us a call for your handyman needs. We service all areas in and around Vanderbijlpark to Vereeniging.
Bedworth Park - Falcon Ridge - Homer - Leeuhof - Randwater - Risiville (Three Rivers) - Roodt's Gardens - Roshnee - Sharpeville - Spider Valley - Springcol - Steel Park - Uitvlugt - Vereeniging Central - Vischgat - Waldrift - Zuikerbosch

Get your job big or small taken care of

The Local Pros Vanderbijlpark to Vereeniging Handyman can help you with all the most common and uncommon household tasks.

  • Painting
  • Flooring, tiling
  • Plumbing
  • General repairs
  • Roof and ceilings
  • Electrical repairs and installations
  • Project manager
  • And much more…

Why Choose a Handyman for your property in Vanderbijlpark to Vereeniging?

  • Fully insured Handyman in Vanderbijlpark to Vereeniging
  • Save you a lot of hassle and time
  • Do the job correctly the first time and in a professional way
  • Prevent injuries to you and your family

Ad Hod DIY and General Maintenance Jobs

  • Varnishing of decks, doors and garden furniture
  • Cleaning and fixing of gutters
  • Fixing your loose paving
  • Maintenance and cleaning of pools
  • Fixing your broken items in your house, and
  • Lighting and fixtures
  • Shelving installation and mirror and picture hanging
  • Much more!


Do you feel sick and tired of your dirty carpets and old-fashioned flooring? You may be procrastinating because putting in new floors is a huge job.

  • Wooden or laminated
  • Screed or concrete
  • Tiling
  • Carpeting

Interior and Exterior Painting

Painting is tricky because you must use the right techniques for attractive and professional finishes. Making mistakes while painting can be expensive and time-consuming!

Painting can be a dangerous and difficult job. Alone, it can take weeks or even months and you still might not know what the outcome will be.

Installation of your Appliances

Need a new stove, washing machine, geyser or dishwasher

Don’t mess around and injure yourself or damage your home with incorrect wiring and plumbing: contact a local Vanderbijlpark to Vereeniging handyman today for a quote!

Bathroom Renovating

Bathrooms are very difficult to renovate. Don’t spend days on end removing your old basin or chipping tiles. A handyman in your area who specialises in bathrooms can do the job much quicker and very professionally.

Electrical and General Plumbing

Most general plumbing and electrical jobs can be carried out by a good handyman:

  • Leaking taps or pipes
  • Problems with geysers
  • New light installations
  • Blown plug points
  • Installations of new plumbing or electrical parts

Just call and tell us what is wrong and we can advise what to do next.

  • Private and Secure
  • Fast Response
  • Affordable
Handyman Quote

Handyman Costing Information​

Handyman Quote