Sales and Installation
We manufacture, install, maintain, and repair Hot Tubs. Our partners are knowledgeable in all of these areas, ensuring that our clients get the best possible service.
A brick-lined built-in Hot Tub may be fitted as a permanent fixture or it can be installed on a moveable frame.
Pump unit combinations vary depending on the installation, such as: A 0.75kW water pump is used in the 4-seater curved Hot Tub, whereas a 1.1kW water pump is used in the bigger Hot Tubs.
As an optional extra, a bottom drain and lights may be installed.
Contact Local Pros Benoni and we’ll get back to you to set up an appointment.
Types of Hot Tubs
Hot Tubs are available in a wide range of forms and sizes
Corner Unit Hot Tub
Dimensions: 2700mm x 2250mm x 900mm
Capacity: 2000 litres
1.10kW water pump with 1.0kW micro air jet pump
7 jets, micro air jets, and pneumatic controls are included.
Extra features include the ability to attach a second pump as a turbo pump with extra jets.
A bottom drain channel and a spa light are among the other features.
Oval Hot Tub
Approximate capacity: 1900 liters, dimensions: 2560mm x 1850mm x 820mm
1.0kW Micro air jet pump and 1.10kW water pump
Eight jets are included in the package.
Pneumatic controllers for micro air jets
9-10 persons may be accommodated
A second pump may be installed as a turbo pump with additional jets.
As an optional feature, a bottom drain channel and a spa light may be installed.
Square Hot Tub
Square Hot Tub 2400mm x 2400mm x 900mm
Approximate capacity: 2350 liters
1.10kW water pump with 1.0kW micro air jet pump
7 jets, micro air jets, and pneumatic controls are included.
A second pump with additional jets may be added as an optional extra to function as a turbo pump.
A bottom drain channel and a spa light are among the other features.
The above Hot Tubs are just a handful of the many that we have in stock.
We also manufacture and install Hot Tub and pump covers.
The Health Benefits of a Hot Tub
A few of the health advantages of a Hot Tub are listed below:
- Hydrotherapy and massage
- Health and fitness
- Pain Relief and Healing
- Relaxation and stress alleviation
Our most important asset has always been our constant commitment to product development and excellent customer service. We can help you with everything from the purchase to the installation and maintenance of your Hot Tub. Our Hot Tubs are made from the highest quality materials.
The cost of a Hot Tub is influenced by a number of factors.
A number of variables influence the cost of a Hot Tub.
The Quality of the Hot Tub
A high-end Hot Tub will last longer and function more efficiently. A higher initial investment may result in a longer-lasting Hot Tub.
Low-cost Hot Tubs lack the aesthetics, functionality, energy efficiency, and comfort of a high-end Hot Tub.
A well-placed armrest or a cabinet shell that reduces heat loss are important Hot Tub design elements that enhance the value of a Hot Tub.
Dimensions of the Hot Tub
The size of your Hot Tub is one cost element you can influence. Smaller Hot Tubs are less expensive to build, store in a warehouse, and transport than bigger Hot Tubs, thus buyers save money.
Features of the Hot Tub
The price of your Hot Tub may be affected by the accessories and additional features you choose. For example, a model with outside lights and extra jets is likely to cost more than one without these amenities. At various pricing ranges, you may select from a number of extras, such as stairs, an umbrella, or detachable cushions. Other elements that may add to the comfort include wireless entertainment, sophisticated water care technology, and an easy-to-use remote control system.
Hot Tub FAQ
Q: How frequently should the water in my Hot Tub be replaced?
A: Regularly emptying and refilling your Hot Tub with new water helps keep it clean, clear, and safe. The issue is, how often should you do it? If you use your Hot Tub often, it should be emptied and refilled every three to four months.
Q: Is it possible to stay in a Hot Tub for an extended period of time?
A: Your Hot Tub sessions should ideally last 15 to 30 minutes. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to take a 45-minute bath (e.g., water temperature). Remember that you may always return to your Hot Tub at a later time!
Q: Is it true that Hot Tubs help you lose weight?
It may seem odd, but it is true! Even if it’s in an indirect manner, a frequent dip in your Hot Tub may help you lose weight. Simply sitting in your Hot Tub for 15 to 20 minutes may burn up to 17 calories.
Q: What are the prerequisites for constructing a Hot Tub?
A: A sturdy, level base, a power outlet to supply electricity, and a hose connection to fill it with water are all that is required to set up a Hot Tub. While designing and preparing your foundation, keep in mind that if you want to sink the Hot Tub, you’ll need to give access to the component door for maintenance. Always get comprehensive installation instructions from your supplier, which should include specific recommendations for sinking the kind you bought.
Q: Is it safe to use soap in a Hot Tub?
A: In general, using no soap or detergent is the best option. The shampoo and body wash detergents that seep into the spa are not harmful, but they are unpleasant to bathe in.