Burglar Bars

Want to know how much services costs or how much you should be paying for a home services job to be completed? 

Trellis Security Gates and Burglar Bars Prices in 2024?

Local Pros Partners offers a range of security gates Starting from R2000 for Fixed Security Gates and ranging to R10000+ for retractable trellis gates.   Their burglar bars are designed to provide the utmost protection without compromising on aesthetics and prices can range from R1500 for fixed burglar bars for a small window to R10000+…

Burglar Bar Prices South Africa 2024

Are you thinking of installing burglar bars and have been wondering how much it might cost? In South Africa, the average price of burglar bars ranges from R500 to R2,000 per square metre. Let's have a look at the types of burglar bars, the factors that affect their price, and the average costs for each…