Trusted Lapa builder and repair Contractors in and around Benoni
Local Pros will connect you with a local lapa builder who will custom build your lapa to meet your expectations.
By only using the highest quality materials and following the best construction practises, our contractors will ensure that your Lapa will last a very long time. Our lapas last 15 – 25 years with no maintenance for the first 5 years and very little after that.
Thatch Lapa Designs And Sizes
You can choose from a standard design or get a custom design for your Lapa. The most common size is a 4m x 4m Lapa which is big enough to fit a braai and a few chairs and a table. Giving your family a place to retreat to on those hot summer days keeping them cool and safe from the sun.
For the winter months, removable sides can be added to your Lapa to shelter your family and friends from the cold, ensuring that you can still have a good time on those cold, windy days.
Talk to our team today and let us help you decide on the best possible Lapa to fit your needs and your budget
We don’t just build Lapas. Services we offer in and around Benoni
- Optional Paving or Decking Included
- Standard and Custom designs to fit your needs
- Build in Braais and Bar areas
- Thatch fireproofing.
- General repair of Lapas
- Rethatching and general maintenance of thatch roofs.
- Anti Insect and pest treatments
- Inspection of thatched roofs and Lapas
Thatch Lapa Repairs in Benoni
Depending on the state of your current thatch roof, there are several options for bringing your lapa back to its original condition. You can Re Thatch roof if thatching is starting to loose its waterproofing or the general state of the roof is badly worn.
If the thatch is still in good condition, you can get it brushed and looking good again. If only a certain part of the thatch is worn, we can patch the area, saving you money and ensuring that the rest of your roof will not deteriorate rapidly.
Or you can have your traditional reed thatch converted to the new Harvey thatch tiles, which are designed for thatch roof replacements.
Why choose a Local Pros contractor when building your Lapa?
- Vetted contractors.
- Supervisors are qualified, skilled workers ensuring high attention to detail.
- Guarantee on all our workmanship.
- Top notch after sale service.
- 15 – 25 year lifespan of Lapa.
- Great relationships with suppliers ensure you only get the best materials.
- All work is done in accordance with industry regulations.